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Sharet Rena

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    Dance teacher, choreographer and dance researcher
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Rena Sharet

Rene Sharett – Born in Jerusalem. Dance teacher, choreographer and dance researcher. Graduate of the Kibbutzim Seminar in the body culture track. She studied African dance at Pearl Primus in New York, as well as modern and classical dance. A teacher of basic dance at the Zinman College of Physical Education Teachers at the Wingate Institute (1988-1988).

Among her works: Bring Me My Fate, based on wedding customs in the North African region, Nimrod and the Shirt,

Legend in the Sands, Ovot, Spirit is in the Crater and a series of programs for students window into the world of dance


Acha floor – Through Rivka Sturman in dance,

Our dance to me and you – Things about dance from Zeev Havatzelet’s estate.

Queen without a Palace – Mia Arbatova, The pioneer of classical ballet in Israel.

Bring me my destiny – My path in the world of dance (dance autobiography).

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