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Nature Reserve-Celebrating Moshiko Yitzhak Halevy’s 91st Birthday

Experiences Through the Eye of the Camera

Chiym Zemach


When I started dancing Israeli folk dances, in my youth, I learned to appreciate the unique, diverse, rich and original works of Moshe Yitzhak Halevy (Moshiko). I recognized his immeasurable contribution to this wonderful cultural activity and to Israeli Folk Dancing.

Over the years, I participated in most of the training seminars that Moshiko held in Israel. I included and taught many of his choreographies in the dance sessions I led. I did as much as I could to convey to the dancers the unique, original quality, diversity and cultural richness of his works.

I was very happy when, in 2009, Moshiko called me and told me that many dancers had approached him and asked him to open a class where they could focus on learning Moshiko’s beloved and special dances. In their view, his dances were not accurately taught or danced in other sessions. They also asked him to incorporate a variety of his favorite dances by other choreographers. Moshiko asked me to join with him in opening the session and running its operation. Of course, I enthusiastically agreed.

The class operates every Wednesday of the first week of the month, between the hours of 8:30pm -11:45pm. The session is held in the Skating Hall at Beit Dani in Tel Aviv. During the evening, selected dances, from Moshiko’s expansive repertoire of all times are danced. Moshiko occasionally teaches a new dance that he choreographed, or he reintroduces one of his old dances to help dancers refine their knowledge of the dance. This is one the unique features of this session – that, at the request of the dancers, a choreographer of many years, highly experienced and so unique in his work, teaches or reviews his dances to help refine their movement.

Over the years, a group of die-hard fans has formed. This session hosts many instructors and choreographers from Israel and abroad. Each session is a celebration of body and soul.  Special events and birthdays are celebrated as well.

Over the years, many instructors have participated in leading the session, each time, by someone different. Session leaders included: Eyal Karabelnik, Haim Shtrikberger, Michal Bachar, Moshe Oron, Etti Mauda, Sharon Elkaslassy, Sagi Azran and others.

You are all invited to join the WhatsApp group: and thus you can be informed of the fun of dancing and experiencing Moshiko Halevy and his dances.



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